  • We start this issue with an article by S.Karthik , who is in the M.Stat. 2nd year and who delves deep into his heart and shares with us his first romance with ...

  • One of our editors Soumik Pal goes ‘passporting’. Go with him on a hilarious trip to the regional passport office, which reveals the fears and follies of those poor souls who go awaiting their turn in the long queue outside.

  • Apoorva Khare ,our senior now in Chicago studying maths describes his attempt at trying to compose a passionate ode, while in his abode, on what other than a dear old goat, in order to produce a tear, but which produced a cheer, so let’s see what he wrote...

  • And finally, last but hardly the least we hear the golden words of the legendary C.R.Rao. Pinaki Biswas, Soumik Pal, Parthanil Roy and Abhyuday Mondal took the opportunity of meeting him when he was here for the international conference to celebrate his 80th birthday. Since the interview was quite long we present this as a series and this is part 1 of the series.